You are here: Stock Items > Stock Item Variants > Modifying Variant Items

Modifying Variant Items


From Idealpos v8 Build 5 and higher, modifying the Department/Purchase Category/Supplier of the Parent Item will display an Update Variants prompt to enable bulk-changing of all Variant Items linked to the Parent Item.


A Parent Variant Stock Item is linked to all child Variant items.

When the Department, Purchase Category, and/or Supplier fields within the Parent Variant Item are modified (as shown in the below example), Idealpos will display one of the following seven prompts shown further below, depending on which fields or combination of fields were changed...










Pressing "Yes" to the above prompts will result in the changed Department/Purchase Category/Default Supplier being applied to all Variant Items linked to the Parent Item.

The below is an example of a Variant item linked to the Parent Item after changing the Department/Purchase Category/Default Supplier fields.